For Undergraduates







(Professor Pugh's office)



(For undergraduate students)



(For graduate students)







For Undergraduates

  Hello! I am a teacher and researcher of American literature and culture here at Fukuoka Women’s University.  I love to read books and talk about them with students, and I especially enjoy modern American novels and short stories.

  I really love movies, too, so I often have classes that deal with books which have been made into films. This year, for instance, I will teach The Wizard of Oz and talk with students about how the book and the movie are different.  Also, The Wizard of Oz has wonderful illustrations, so it can even be compared to a manga.  It is interesting to see the different ways in which the story has been presented.

  This year I also will teach The Great Gatsby, a fascinating novel about 1920s America. As a matter of fact, it was also made into a film starring Robert Redford.  In other classes I will talk with students about a famous play by Arthur Miller called Death of a Salesman and in another class we will study poems by Emily Dickinson.  I will also teach one class on how to give speeches effectively in English.  Students can enjoy improving their communication skills in English as they talk about books and movies.



最終更新日 : June 15, 2007>