Welcome to Yoshimura Lab.!
We have investigated eco-friendly polymers useful in our daily life. |
Development of superabsorbent hydrogels based on natural polymers
Existing superabsorbent hydrogels are produced from petroleum and after use, they are disposed mainly by incineration in Japan, in spite of containing large amount of water.丂To make a breakthrough,
we investigate the development of biodegradable superabsorbent hydrogels
from natural resources such as cotton cellulose, starch, chitin, and so
The right picture shows a flower of cotton.
Utilization of sea lettuce proliferating at Hakata bay
Wajiro-higata tideland, east area of Hakata bay, is one of the most popular
stopovers for migratory birds.丂Recently, a plague of sea lettuce is observed every summer, which may
not only destroy the scenery but also exert a bad influence on the ecological
system.丂We investigate the production of some materials such as paper, detergent,
and green composites from sea lettuce.
The right picture exhibits Wajiro-higata tideland covered with sea lettuce. |